Great job to all the Racer X swimmers at the Copper Cooper Cup! They smashed it with 59 BEST TIMES – that's incredible progress!

Jim Skirboll

Great job to all the Racer X swimmers at the Copper Cooper Cup! They smashed it with 59 BEST TIMES – that's incredible progress!

Shoutout to Harlan Cooper, 6 for 6, Rylan Endress, 2 for 2, Matt Uzelac, 2 for 2, and Alan Wang, 4 for 4, for their perfect swims and hitting their best times. That takes serious dedication!

Finn Miles deserves a massive high-five for dropping 37 seconds in his 200 IM. That's some severe improvement right there!

Let's keep this momentum and use it as motivation to push even harder. And big congrats to Ava Jochims and Elyse Brenenborg for winning the Super Bowl Block Pick Arenas Cobra Goggles. Keep up the great work, everyone!

Also, just a reminder: no practice tonight due to the high school home swim meet. Enjoy the break and get ready to come back stronger!